Make money online using Social Network sites..Err..No!
I often see websites telling you to go through the process of submitting your site to Digg, Stumbleupon, delicious, reddit etc as a way of gaining traffic. They often abound with stories of getting on the front page if Digg and generating tons of easy traffic, thus leading to your dream of making money online.
The age old saying applies as ever - if it seems to be too good to be true, then it is! Getting on the front page of Digg is virtually impossible. As for Stumbleupon, you may well be able to generate some traffic, but it will take an inordinate amount of time and certainly won't lead to achieving the making money online dream.
Well nothing comes without hard work I hear you say and thats totally true when it comes to making money online! Right, but why spend a massive amount of time on just one traffic generating tactic - you'd be as well spending your time writing quality content and let that get picked up by natural google traffic. Throw in some images and I bet you'd be well ahead on traffic compared to spending hours on end trying to generate traffic from Stumbleupon and Digg.
By all means submit to Digg, Squidoo etc but don't spend hours on it, thinking it's an easy way to traffic and online money making. It'll give you some backlinks, which is always good for SEO. Better tactic is to concentrate on your blog and when its built up and generating traffic in it's own right, has a known brand with a number of loyal readers, then use the social networking sites as a compliment to further consolidate your traffic.
It's damn hard work making money online, and trying to see past the scams is half the battle!