Thursday, April 17, 2008

Making Money online - a setback!

Making money online - a Premier League setback!

My blog Football Focus Online has suffered a major traffic setback! After months of posting and slowly building the site and traffic I recieved a nasty email from Google saying I had three days to remove images from my site or it would be removed!

It turns out the images I got via a Creative Commons Search were actually a breach of the English Premier League copyright! I got a cease and desist notice (or something) from a company call datalect, acting on behalf of the Premier League.

It really is annoying - my traffic has gone from 800-900 a day down to 50! Monthly my traffic had been doubling every month and was set to pass the March figure of 8,000 in the first two weeks of April.

I will take this up with Google as I used Creative Commons images for the very purpose of not breaching copyright. Not it turns out I did, and need a very expensive license to show the images!

Well no-one said making money online was easy! I will just have to find another way at this game or invest in the license!